All You Need To Know About Government News

Government of India is taking every possible step to keep itself abreast with the latest development. Earlier, it used to issue Government Newsletters to all its officials and private agencies containing important information about various activities and programs, which are undertaken by the government. Nowadays, a number of private organizations like media companies, radio channels etc. are also publishing similar newsletters for the Government to make themselves more acquainted with new things happening in the country. There are many advantages of publishing the Government Newsletters, which helps both the officials and the people in knowing about various programs, policies, and news that are occurring in the government. Apart from this, there are also some drawbacks which have been noted.

goverment news

According to those who think that the introduction of government news sheets is a great move, they have a good point in their minds. The govt. using this method to keep itself in the loop in terms of informing the people about various activities is indeed a commendable move. However, there are some drawbacks which are being noticed in the functioning of these Government Newsletters.

The primary flaw of government news is that they are not well structured. In the absence of a proper format, it becomes very difficult to distribute and publish goverment news to all those who might be interested in it. It also doesn’t contain any fresh and relevant information, which can really be of immense help when it comes to disseminating information about current events in the country. These newsletters are not informative enough and do not contain any information on environmental issues, which is bound to increase the awareness among people regarding the importance of protecting the environment. They also do not contain any information on health and fitness and do not offer any alternative medical solutions to the common ailments.

The second biggest drawback of government news released by the govt. is that they do not contain any information on foreign affairs. It is not possible for the administration to announce any new policy or military action without having to inform the people about it. Therefore, the policy or decision is published in goverment news but do not provide any hint as to its scope or area of operation.

Most of the instances have seen that the government news published by the Govt. does not contain any announcement regarding the commencement of any new work or expansion of any work at all. Most of the time, these newsletters are also not very useful because they are published rarely and only after some time.

Some of the instances have seen the release of government news to be very controversial. For instance, there have been cases where people were made to go on hunger strike just to get some information about the welfare measures taken by the government. Apart from this, the information which is meant to be released through such newsletters is also not very reliable. For instance, the statistics which are meant to be released through the goverment news should also not be exaggerated. There are numerous instances where people have been found faking data and information in order to make their statements look better. If you want to be accurate, then you should try to rely only on reputed news agencies like The Indian Express and Indian News English.